I have been tagged again this time by Helg whose work at the wonderfulPerfume Shrine I enjoy and admire a great deal.
The rules of the game are: 1. Link to the person who tagged you 2. Post the rules on your blog 3. Write six random things about yourself 4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them 5. Let each person know they've been tagged and leave a comment on their blog 6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.
So to the six random things!
1) Although I seem very English I have Irish ancestry and think in my way I am quite Irish too
2) I feel quite uncomfortable if I don't have a pen and paper with me at all times
3) When I go to other European countries people seem to invariably think I'm native, well until I open my mouth, I get asked for directions by locals and other tourists pick me out to ask questions as if I am not one of them. This pleases and amuses me, I like to think there is a touch of the Alec Guinness about me and I can blend in well.
4) My favourite food of all is pasta, well today anyway. Pasta is a life affirming sort of food, I always feel better when I have it and ready for whatever comes next.
5) As well as my obvious love for perfume I also adore jewellery, particularly anything Art Deco or Nouveau but really anything sparkly and/ or shiny. It is perhaps strange then that I only had my ears pierced when I was twenty five (there another thing about me- I am more than 25...) I would like to say that I am now enjoying earrings as much as any other item of jewellery I wear. However people who say ear piercing doesn't hurt are either lying or have VERY high pain thresholds. I thought it felt like someone had attached a stapler to my ear and didn't take it off for at least 2 hours.
6)I am Capricorn and in many ways am very true to my sign, I certainly always like other Capricorns which is a supposed trait. I have always felt a strange affinity with Aquarius though. I would love to find out if I could in some way be slightly Aquarian, the descriptions always fit me well and seem far more natural to me.
Kate Moss as Marlene Dietrich courtesy of: www.artisnotdead.blogspot.com/2007_06_01_archive.html (Kate Moss and I are both Capricorns and we share the same birthday- so I thought it was a good excuse for this great picture!)
I am not going to pass on the tag as most of the blogs I regularly comment on have been tagged recently- but I think this is really fun so in lots of ways I wish I could re tag people!
Like you, I am a late bloomer with ear piercing- I just pierced my ears six months ago! Isn't it wonderful that a whole new world of jewelry opens up once you can wear earrings?!
So far I only have two pairs: one a pair of white gold hoops that were a gift from my husband and the other a lovely pair of Tahitian pearl drop earrings that I bought for myself.
It was lovely learning more things about you :)
Oh wow! I thought I was the only one! It really is, plus I think it helps friends and family with presents!
Well I have had mine done for a year or more now. I have quite a few pairs of costume type ones but it's funny I find after the initial excitement I only really wear one pair during the week (which are tiffany silver ones I got as a present) and all the spangly costume ones at the weekends.
I am still paranoid the holes are going to close all the time so hardly ever take my studs out!
So funny you should bring up blending into other countries, I seemed to have done this quite well in France, considering all the times I was asked for directions.
I love art nouveau also, but I suspect you can guess with my image.
So funny you should bring up blending into other countries, I seemed to have done this quite well in France, considering all the times I was asked for directions.
I love art nouveau also, but I suspect you can guess with my image.
So funny you should bring up blending into other countries, I seemed to have done this quite well in France, considering all the times I was asked for directions.
I love art nouveau also, but I suspect you can guess with my image.
It's actually quite a nice compliment isn't it! I think it's happened to me most in Spain. I have decided it must be because I look like I try not to tan when it's actually just that my British skin takes about 2 weeks to gain any colour at all- although actually it doesn't really burn. So they must think I'm local because I don't sun worship- and have long, dark curly hair of course.
Yep Art Nouveau is like the pinacle of beauty, it must have been such an inspiring period to live through.
Loved those facts! And thanks so much on the touching compliment (awwww)
A little Alec Guiness and a little Irish (or a lot) and loving jewelry: we should meet in real life, my dear!
HOpe you're feeling much better today. :-)
PS, glad you did! you're very welcome!
Yes lots of shared interests (technically half Irish but last couple of generations have only ever lived in England, so comlicated!)
I am definitely thank you!
I love that shot of Kate Moss - fabulous. Thank you for stopping by French Essence - glad we have met Rose. xv
ps it is freezing today but gorgeous out there.
Hi Vicki- glad you like it, fabulous is the word yes!
I'm glad we have met too! Keep calm!
Oh I meant keep warm! Oh dear one of those days...
Keep calm could apply to me too Rose!! xv
Maybe you are a capricorn with aquarius rising, or something... My mum loves astrology and horoscopes, and seems to find a way to link herself to every star sign depending on whether she likes the prediction. So she's an Aries on the cusp of a Pisces (nice work, both signs covered) with Scorpio rising and the moon in Leo, and so on!
Ohhh! What a fun little game!
Hi Jayne, Yes if I looked into it properly it is likely to be something like that. One part of my head isn't sure about horoscopes but the basic characteristics attributed to signs can be alarmingly accurate!
Hi Porter, welcome to the blog and thanks for stopping by. Yes it is fun! Your polaroids are great!
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