when you suddenly feel that you understand, or suddenly become aware of, something that is very important to you or a powerful religious experience
Yesterday evening I had a perfume epiphany, sniffing Voile De Fleur by Tom Ford again I realised I don't just like it, it's delicious! I admire the idea of Black Orchid and that Tom Ford was brave with it but it doesn't work on me. When I tried Voile De Fleur I thought it was much nicer but I wasn't in love.
Last night for some reason, I'm not sure if it's the very cold, crisp weather we're having or the fact I have been quite scent free in recent weeks, I took a spritz of VDF and whoah- I was turned, it's fabulous.
Once I had got over by need to keep sniffing the VDF I started thinking about if I had ever had perfume epiphany's before- and yes I have.
Certainly I struggled with Mitsouoko to begin with. I think my route to loving it came through loving L'heure Bleu. With L'heure Bleu it was an instant love but Mitsouoko took a couple of tries and really to start with I wanted to scrub. Then one day I spritzed it on my wrist, and when I came back to it about twenty minutes later the peach moss nectar had turned into something bewitching that I felt I understood and was distractingly wonderful.
It's not that I wanted to train myself to like Voile De Fleur or Mitsouoko. I just routinely try scents and with these I have found when I returned to them I was happily taken aback by what I had missed.
definition from: http://dictionary.cambridge.org/
Voile de Fleur picture courtesy of:http://nowsmellthis.blogharbor.com
Orchid picture courtesy of: www.allposters.co.uk
Hi Rose- yes Voile de Fleur is fabulous... it reminds me of sparkling champagne... but I also love Black Orchid. And as always, you know I ADORE the art deco bottle...
Well, that's weird...I put on Voile de Fleur for dinner last night...no particular reason...
...and I am still deciding/coming to terms with that one. Though, like Daily C, I do love the bottle (but am testing from a sample vial).
Hi Daily- yes it really is! Now Black Orchid doesn't really work for me unfortunately and I so wanted it to (partly because I agree the bottle is divine!)
Hi Scentscelf, That is weird isn't it!
Yes it's not really my normal sort of thing but on retrying it I was like eureka, it's good. Plus it does help that the bottle is covetable (I was testing from my friends bottle!).
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