I've just returned from Sweden and it's everything it should be, the land of clean beaches, long walks, brilliant design and pint glasses full of... prawns- a place where equality and eccentricity manage to enhance each other.
We were very much on the go from touching down onwards and frankly I mostly just slept on the plane journeys but I did want to quickly mention Scanorama which is the in flight magazine for the Swedish airline SAS because it's one of the best travel magazines I've read in quite some time.
Of course the seven page article about Grasse in the south of France (the home of perfume) could have been written for me but there were also interesting and extremely well written features on Manchester and Brooklyn. I find travel magazines can be even harder than fashion ones to read without thinking the entire copy has been written by a PR but I genuinely felt that the writers of these articles wanted to give an impression of the place- and yes they recommended places to stay, eat and see but I actually felt they meant it and they gave me reasons why.
You can read Scanorama online here; the issue I'm referring to was for May 2011.
Picture from Salt Restaurant, more of which soon...
very nice blogging
You should definitely go to Grasse. I can't believe that you haven't been. Given your curious perfume nose... :)
A very good point about in-flight mags! Scanorama is very stylish indeed. I foolishly forgot to bring any reading materials on my easyjet flight a fortnight ago and in desperation read their in-flight mag from cover to cover *big sigh* - I'll say no more.
Hi MM- I'm obsessed with going now, I've written down all the places I want to visit- I just need to think of when I can go ;-)
Hi Trudi- oh poor you, I wish you could buy Scanorama without always having to fly- it's a really good read
thank you very nice
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