I found Lancome's Magnifique and Guerlain's Eau De Parfum of Insolence had both landed(this my have landed a little while ago in truth, I really don't like Insolence so haven't really been paying attention but I saw the purple bottle and thought it looked, well better I suppose, or it re-intrigued me).

Magnifique has a big build up and I have read lots of initial reviews so I was keen to try for myself. Firstly I do quite like the design of the bottle but I do find it a bit RED. I suppose it's better than if it had been another pink perfume bottle but it's a bit too fiery. I didn't find Magnifique to be particularly anything to be honest. It is woody but I couldn't detect anything very special at all but you could choose far worse offerings. Historically the only Lancome I have really clicked with is Mille et Une Rose and I have never had a full bottle.
However at the counter I was drawn to the original Miracle scent and I was surprised by how much I liked it! It's so peppery and not as overtly feminine as it looks. If you stood me by the Lancome counter and said I could have any of their scents for free I think I would go for the Miracle over the Magnifique any day (Mille et une Rose is rarely available here). I always loved the Miracle pictures with Uma Thurman too (although I know there are issues about them now).

Now the Insolence EDP. I actually found it to be much more wearable than the original Insolence. I still don't think it's going to be for me but it smelled less synthetic than I found the EDT smelled and I actually found myself going back for more sniffs. It was less sickly violet sugar, although that is still mostly what I got it was in a much more natural way. The deep purple bottle it much more attractive too I think.
Magnifique bottle picture courtesy of: http://www.mimifroufrou.com/scentedsalamander/images/cest-magnifique-lancome.jpg
Miracle picture courtesy of: http://images3.hiboox.com/images/0508/lb98efio.jpg
Insolence picture courtesy of: http://www.sybarites.org/wp-content/GuerlainInsolence2006.jpg
I love the opening of this post- If one is hurrying along why not hurry along in the perfume department? I have the same logic!
I was glad to read your review of Magnifique as I have been curious and see the ad with Anne Hathaway all the time.
I hate to admit it but the look of the bottle is very important to me. Perfume doesn't come cheap and I like to display my bottles. I find Magnifique quite red as well... of course if the fragrance was fabulous I would find a way to get over it-
Thank-you, well yes exactly, it's multi tasking
Yes the ad is on here constantly. I think she and the man she meets look lovely but that song is so cheesey!
If the perfume is incredible I don't mind about the bottle but a nice bottle does add to the enjoyment doesn't it.
You know i actually got a wonderful smokey middle from Magnifique but I seem to be one of the few getting this, my SO even complimented me on it. As for Guerlain Insolence the edt scared me: purely plastic berried violets. But still I'm hearing good things about the edp, I might just have to try it.
I think I will try Magnifique again as it's always good to try perfumes a few times in different weathers etc. I know some people say scent doesn't vary on different skins but I find it does. Glad it smells lovely on you.
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