Last night I put into action a reward scheme for myself.
For example, action: go to the dentist, reward: go to Liberty sale afterwards.
I am basically copying my Mother’s model from my childhood. If I went to the dentist and was a good girl we could go to the nice shop that sold old fashioned cream tea afterwards. (Unfortunately when my Mother stopped taking me to the dentist I stopped going quite so much).
The dentist was good but I need a root canal- which costs more than the Marc Jacobs shoes I was going to reward myself with (above). So action: don’t go to the dentist, reward: get large dentist bill when I have to go.
Nevertheless the trip was worth it because I can report Liberty now have the entire By Redo scent and candle range for sale- and that I want some Bal D'Afrique please. Perhaps after the root canal eh?
Aaarrggghhh, root canal!
Last time I had that, my dentist tried, failed, and had to send me to a specialist. It cost me nearly £1000 all in, including the crown. And I go to the dentist every 6 months like a good girl...;-) Apparently you just can't win.
Ooh, they have Byredo? I'm so going there tomorrow!
Poor you...definitely treat yourself Rose. I love your scheme and I think I may have to implement it myself..Have a happy weekend, xv.
Tania, yes I know. It's my first ever hole type thing but's a very major one! I think it's actually quite a lot to do with what you're given. I have a friend whose teeth look like Julia Roberts'- bright white, perfectly straight- but she is forever having fillings etc!
They do- they have a lovely By Redo desk and wall display next to the Le Labo- enjoy!
Hi Vicki, it's quite fun! although I'm not sure what with the dentist and the treating it's a great long term plan... still the sales are just starting!
Happy weekend! Rx
Ha! Brilliant schemes are worth noting...I, for one, take my kids to the bookstore to pick out one of their choice after any dentist appointment. I feel lucky that they consider as much of a treat as I do. Though none of us would be opposed to an ice cream, either... ;)
Ouch! HOpe it gets done with the minimal amount of pain and trouble....and you can get to reward yourself with the MJs.
Oh dear, poor you with the root canal, all good wishes for that. I used to have a reward scheme for attending college (how I hated it) - if I did 5 days in a row I would allow myself to spend £20 (yes - twenty whole pounds!) on a treat. Cue lots of nice but cheap things that would shrink in the wash, not helped by the fact I hadn't quite learnt what not to put in a tumble dryer.
Those shoes look lovely! I envy ladies that can walk in heels like that - I know I would be like a giraffe on skates in them, much to my sadness.
just to let you know, the Liberty sale is on and they have some nice niche-type perfume reductions.
They have four Mona D'Orio scents half-price (I suspect prior to no longer stocking them, sadly). Also three Eau d'Italie (Baume D'oge, Sienne L'Hiver, Magnolia Roma), Marc Jacobs Blush, Alexander McQueen, Apothia Velvet Rope, and the bodycare line from 10 Corso Como. There may have been more, but I was mesmerised by Nuit Noir... ;-)
I just thought I'd let you know, in case you didn't get there yet. (And I think Magnolia Roma would be a pretty wedding scent. But sadly their tester is broken!)
By the way, you were right, Byredo Pulp is quite something! I love the smell, I'm just not sure I want to smell of it.
Hi Scentscelf, lovely to have you back, will come and visit your blog. You sound like a very good Mum! I don't normally reward myself with very expensive shoes but I have beenn wanting those for about 6 months. I still haven't taken the plunge though- I keep thinking I could have so many books/ dvds/ perfumes for them!
Hi E, thank you! it's in a week or so!
Hi Jayne, I am still pretty scared of tunble dryers and washing machines! I am very much a don't mix colours and air drying type of girl!
Oh I probably can't walk in the shoes for more than ten minutes. I am someone who pretty much always has flats or flip flops somewhere in my bag!
Hi Tania, ooh thanks, sounds like a great selection- especially the Mona D'Orio.
Yes I know what you mean about Pulp!! artistically amazing but I'm not normally a fruit scent wearer and it's pretty fruity!!
Oh you deserve Marc Jacobs shoes after a visit to the dentist!!
Hi Kellie- I have just had a quick look at your blog- and it's lovely! a very relaxing destination- I will definitely be reading in more detail.
I'm glad you are on board with the reward scheme!
Oh, I can completely relate to your tale of (dental) woe right now. I went to the dentist a couple of weeks ago and he found a total of FOUR holes, which apparently all need immediate attention - to the tune of 400 quid.
My heart sank when I visited a few choice sales the other day ... but I *have* decided to postpone the work. So bad. xx
Lol! I do the same thing... but I do think it is a shame that we sometimes feel like we need to justify having a treat... you should treat yourself to tea because you are fabulous! Not so sure if the same thing could work with the Marc Jacobs shoes... that tactic could get expensive! Good luck with the root canal!
I like your mom's style! I do that with my birthday, buying myself gifts all month long :-)
Top Bird! It's good to know I'm not the only one. I would totally postpone but my tooth really hurts so I can't! It is especially cruel that this should happen at sale time.
Hi Daily, I definitely can't be treating myself to Marc Jacobs all the time! But yes you're right we should treat ourselves to little luxuries- I do treat myself to lots of coffees and teas!
Hi Trish- me too! I always buy myself a perfume birthday gift and love choosing myself something really special.
Adorabel shoes! Sometimes I use the reward system, okay a lot :-).
Ah, beautiful shoes! Definitely after the root canal!
Metropolitan Mum, Aren't they! I hasten to add I don't just buy totally impractical star shoes all the time but it took a lot to get me in the dentists chair.
I actually don't have the shoes yet because getting a pair in my size has proved interesting- but I'm on the case!
Jen, I don't know how I didn't reply to you before! having a few it issues here recently!
yes if I'm honest I reward a lot. Normally it's a latte here and there not Marc Jacobs!
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