'He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind:
and the fool shall be servant to the wise of heart'
(Proverbs 11:29)
I ‘sat’ high up in the Old Vic to see Inherit the Wind last night- as high as the chandelier- I could see the whole theatre and most of the stage if I stood up and lent over a rail.
You would think the restricted view would be incredibly frustrating but after a while it won me over.
Standing to see something makes you concentrate more doesn’t it? and when I think about it I would never choose to sit down at a gig- even at the monstrous 02- and not every gig I go to involves a hoedown (although happily very many do) so why would theatre be different?
Inherit the Wind was worth standing up for- and so surprisingly thought provoking for an older piece about the bible and the origin of species. Kevin Spacey was wonderful- I’m not sure he knows how to disappoint in the theatre. The silent scene at the end when he puts both books together and clasps them tightly in his hands is extremely moving, although he plays it with a lightness of touch and step. In another life he would have been a travelling player, gracing a thousand stages.
The play is directed by Trevor Nunn who takes the opportunity to insert some great country music asides which I think help the first half which is heavy on exposition. It was the second part, the tight court room drama, that I became more and more involved in. Standing high up in a dark, hushed theatre I was happily reminded of my precious freedom to think whatever I want and to clasp it tightly.
Sounds great - what's the going rate for standing room tickets? xx
I was in the stalls for this about three weekends ago and loved it. The film is well worth watching - if you thought Spacey was good wait til you see Spencer Tracy in the same role.
I saw it too! And was very lucky to be invited to top seats in the front stalls...got to see K.S's professionally done wrinkles! It was a fantastic play...worth going even with cheap seats! SO glad you liked it also:) x
Top Bird- £10- they are technically seats on benches but I ended up standing- though I am 5ft 4in
MrLondonStreet- I definitely want to see the film now- I don't know why it had passed me by before. I can imagine Spencer Tracey blows you away
Emily- Lucky you- I must say the only time i was a bit jealous was when he was raging away at the front. I have been in the front row there before and I felt like i was almost inside the play. But yes I think you'd love it from anywhere in the theatre. Great stuff.
I went to see a classical concert at St Martin's-in-the-Fields last year, and from where I sat couldn't see the orchestra at all. But who needed to see them, the music spoke for them and I knew they must all be gorgeous to produce such sounds! ;)
Oh my. You know since we've moved to London, I've promised myself tickets to this play when I got a job. I was crushed when my job offer got rescinded and forgot about this show. But you know what, I see that the show is ending on the 20th. We still deserve to see this place and jobs and other things will come.
Crossing my fingers tickets are available for next week!
Lucky you Rose...I am a big fan of Kevin Spacey and have seen him perform at the Old Vic. Sadly I will miss this production, xv.
Sounds like a great play - thanks for the review!
In the meantime, please accept the award I am giving you (as one of my top 5 blogs to recommend):
Enjoy! :)
Hi Jayne- a few of us said it was a bit like listening to a radio play and actually it's quite interesting to see how much the actor's use their voices. St. Martin's is beautifully- a great favourite of mine.
Chic'n'cheap- I do hope you get tickets and like it! the Old Vic is gorgeous too. The second half is what makes it. Enjoy!
Hi Vicki- I'm a big fan too- and think it's great what he's done for the Old Vic. I saw his Richard II too- he obviously love theatre.
Hi Miss Nightingale- that's so kind thank you- I will be straight over!
I was there this week and it was absolutely incredible! Now I also wanna see the movie!
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