I seem to be having a very Nordic few days. My discovery of the word hygellig detailed below was quickly followed by lunch at The Nordic Bakery on Golden Square on Friday. I have chatted away about wanting to go to this and other Scandanavian restaurants in London for ages without actually getting round to it but a particularly bitter, grey December day seemed like the perfect day to change that.
The bakery is immediately homely despite being quite spare (as is only fitting for a Nordic themed place). The menu is perfect for this time of year, there are thick, hearty but not stodgy rye breads, good strong thick coffee, spicy, fragrant and delicious Glogg and, as I had wished and hoped, gloriously sticky indulgent cinnamon buns.
Honestly I could move into this place. I feel a strong affinity with all things scandanivian and had Swedish, Finnish and Danish neighbours as a child whose Mother's gave me a love for sour yoghurt, cloudberry jam (and later liquer) and of course the buns (recipes seem to vary from country to country).
We spend so much time chasing the cuisine and ingredients from far flung places but I think, certainly until recently, slightly ignore food from Nordic and Germanic countries here- and I don't know why because there are so many delicious things to try- and actually they are often quite budget friendly. Happily this does seem to be changing and we are all getting more adventurous. My kitchen is currently full of lots of things from the German shop at Borough market. I don't know what to with half of it but I am going to have learning.
Oh yay! I love that place! Did you see Thursday's entry at mine? It was an all Swedish post! And oh God, I love Scandinavian food way too much...You might like to read it:) xxx LZ
Hi Emily- I hadn't seen your post but have been over now and loved it- and will be going to that shop. We are obviously all feeling quite Nordic because of the time of year- and weather. Some day I will make it out to see the Northern lights and fjords. I have been to Stockholm and the Swedish countryside, both were wonderful- so simple- but Finland, Norway and Denmark are on the to do list!
You are so sweet! If you ever need any advice what to do with the Sauerkraut or how to roll a Kanelbullar, I'd be happy to put on my headmistress goggles and tell you in length about continental European/Scandinavian cooking.
For Kanelbullar it is important to have fresh yeast (as opposed to the dried stuff you get around here). It is almost impossible to get here. The only store that stocks it is the Swedish store in Marelybone.
Ok, time to really stop sounding like a teacher now.
I love the Nordic Bakery, it's just amazing. I am preparing for a Swedish Christmas, so on Monday I ordered "en kopp Gloegg, tack".
God Jul!
Hi MM- Ah that's so nice of you to say!
I am definitely going to go to this shop in Marylebone- and get some fresh yeast.
You know I'd love some advice on how to cook spaetzle. It's one of the things I bought at the German Deli. When I've had it in Bavaria it's been delicious. Have found online advice but any tips would be very gratefully received!
Lewis- Hej! I've just had a quick look at your blog and it looks great- I'm going to stop by properly. In the meantime God Jul to you also!
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